Do MWPS wind turbines comply with local legislation?

Although MWPS has good knowledge about general legislation laws of the most common countries that are most advanced in the wind industry and if we are able

to answer specific questions relating to your residence and local legislation, we will be happy to answer your question to the best of our knowledge. However, as we are trading on a worldwide level, it is almost impossible for us to know or to have the precise answers if the equipment you intend to purchase will be in compliance with every country's specific legislation laws or if the equipment in question will be permitted for installation in your country.

For this reason, MWPS is neither equipped nor qualified to give advice on local country legislation and you must undertake your own due diligence investigations to assure that the equipment you intend to purchase via MWPS is in compliance with your local legislation laws.

As part of advanced negotiations and as far as available from our individual sellers, MWPS will endeavor to provide you with as much technical documentation as possible prior to purchasing for you to use and investigate if the equipment is suitable in your country.

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